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AMSTAR Survey 2011

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a) Have you ever conducted or assisted with a systematic review? (tick where applicable)
Never 1 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 10 More than 10 times
b) Did you use AMSTAR prior to this Workshop?
Based on your previous experience and/or the experience at the Workshop please answer the following questions:
1. For what purpose did you use the AMSTAR tool?
(If you only used it in the workshop, reply WORKSHOP)
2. What in your opinion are the strengths of AMSTAR?
3. What in your opinion are the weaknesses of AMSTAR?
4. For your purposes is the AMSTAR too long or too short?
a) If your answer is “too short”: Do you think anything should be added?
b) If your answer is “too long”: Do you think anything can be left out?
5. Were there any particular difficulties or any parts of the instrument that were confusing?
6. How easy was it to use AMSTAR?
7. Were you happy with the instructions associated with each of the AMSTAR questions? Are there any improvements that you can suggest?
8. What do you think of response options? (Yes, no, can’t answer, not applicable)
9. Did you test reliability (formally or informally)? How easy was it to get agreement? (if you only used it in the workshop, reply WORKSHOP)

10. Have you used AMSTAR to assess systematic reviews (SRs) that included non-randomized (observational) studies (NRSs)?
11. Can all AMSTAR questions be used to assess systematic reviews of non-randomized studies? If not, which items are unsuited to SRs of NRSs?

12. Are there any additional factors relevant to SRs of NRSs that should be included in AMSTAR?
13. If you have conducted SRs of NRS how did you assess the quality of individual studies?
a) Did you use an existing instrument? If so, which one?
b) If you developed an instrument, are you prepared to share it with us?
Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire!
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